Friday, March 27, 2009

Feel Good Friday

Ta-dah! Dan Gutman's genius idea has come to fruition! As of today, you, too, can own a copy of Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children's Authors Tell You How to Go Green, (Random House) in which, well, 100 children's authors share their "go-green" ideas. I happen to know one of those authors quite well (ahem) and have it under good authority her suggestion revolves around a particular type of table linen. Following Dan's lead, I have ordered a bunch of these paperbacks to donate to the schools I visit. I'm honored he asked me to participate and pleased to help our environment in this small way.

In celebration of the book's release, and inspired by Betsy Bird's recent post in which she passed on how some bloggers are using their cyber-powers to change the world (okay, to benefit libraries and literacy groups!), I'm asking you to send in your best tip for being a "green" writer. For every comment I receive, I will donate $1 to Page Ahead (up to $150), my favorite literacy cause. The best tip -- selected in a purely subjective and secretive manner -- will earn the contributor a signed copy of Recycle This Book (disclaimer: signed only by moi, not all 100 of the 'Top Children's Authors'. Sorry.).

Bring 'em on!


  1. Does a "green" illustrator count?

    I collect all of my scrap art paper -- every bit I possibly can -- into a giant tub and I use it when I make handmade paper for my collage illustrations.

    Looks like an awesome book. Thanks for sharing, Kirby!

  2. Mea culpa. Whenever I say "writer," know I mean illustrator, too! Kjersten, what a great idea! I love the visual image of your tub swirling with waves of paper.

  3. I always recylcle paper BUT only after both sides have been printed on. I keep a pile of "used" paper to print ms pages for critiqe and revisions.

  4. Geez, I wish I had something wildly creative - but all I can think of is reusing manuscript printouts. Does recycling beer cans during writer's block count. :-)

  5. I print coloring pages for You-Know-Who on the other side of printed manuscript pages! Which can sound a little funny, out of context (and with Fancy Nancy on the other side).

    Also, I only submitted to agents who would take email queries and manuscripts. Is that green? Or lazy? ;)
