Winston helped me pack.
Most of the day was spent getting to Homer, via Anchorage where I had spent one year as a baby, surviving the Blizzard of '54 (I have the certificate to prove it!).
The weather was brisk when I arrived, making me wish that I had packed gloves, especially once I realized I'd forgotten my toothbrush and had to walk a mile to buy one at the general store. But the walk was blessed with eagles -- 5 of them, all watching me from atop light posts. Of course, when I got back to the hotel and grabbed my camera, they turned camera shy.
Though the weather is cool, my room is shipshape and cozy
offering this view off the compact deck:
I do have to say, however, that I've never been asked to sign a form at the front desk promising not to bring fresh-caught fish to my room. A definite first.
The evening's activities concluded with a wandering keynote by poet Li-Young Lee, who shared Lao Tsu's observation that poetry is the greatest martial art. Gotta love it.
The people here are terrific, the scenery amazing and the commitment to writing and growing in the craft inspiring. But there is one rather large problem.
I think it's brighter tonight than it was when I arrived! Talk about the land of the midnight sun. . .
No wonder Alaska is home to so many prolific writers. It's too light to go to sleep. They must stay up all night and write.
Maybe if I moved here, I'd get more done.
I spent a summer in Alaska (Redoubt Bay area) in 2000. I started writing again, though before I arrived I hadn't realized I'd stopped. Can't wait to go back and see my bears, and fox, porcupine, wolferine, otters, eagles, beavers, loons, trumpeter swans, Tule geese, every kind of duck...the list goes on.