Saturday, February 6, 2010

Now Read This

Since last April, I have written not one but two historical novel manuscripts (one coming out Fall 2010 and one back on my desk for a rewrite) so my fiction reading had dwindled to nothing. I am working to get my creative self back in balance again and kicked off my new resolution with Jacqueline Kelly's The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.

Here's my GoodReads review:

True confessions: I read the first few pages of this book and set it aside. I dunno. Didn't click. Then I picked it up again, started over and couldn't put it down. Loved the voice, the historical details and the struggle of a young girl who wants to be more than a debutante. I thought this book nearly perfect; I do keep wondering about one particular chapter (the one about Viola) and why it was included but then I'm not the storyteller. Read this book and give it to every 12 year old girl you know!


  1. My agent sent me a copy of this. The relationship between Callie Vee and her Grandfather is lovely.

  2. I'm always on the lookout for good middle grade fiction for girls (to read to myself)! Thank you!
