Friday, May 7, 2010

Muddling Along

I'm in the chicken scratches stage of a new project. I have some general ideas (exceedingly general!) but am keeping myself open to possibilities. After going bleary-eyed doing internet research, I headed over to Third Place Books (recent Honorable Mention in the Women's National Book Association Panell Award!) to browse. Though Third Place primarily carries new books, there are always used gems studded throughout the shelves.

I brought home an armful, including this title:

Seriously. How could I resist a book that lists different names for n'er-do-wells? I absolutely have to find a way to work cullion or snipjack into a conversation.

I'm curious. What do you do when you're "moodling" (I think that's stolen from Katherine Paterson) over a book idea? Take a trip? Eat a lot of chocolate? Create character biographies?

Please share!

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