Sunday, March 27, 2011


On Tuesday I spent a great day at John Newbery Elementary with some really great kids and an equally terrific staff. Librarian/hostess Becky Faulkner had thoroughly prepared the kids -- there wasn't one blank space anywhere without a "Welcome Kirby" sign. (I particularly liked the "Kirby Rocks" poster.) 

The presentations went well, despite a projector that needed to spend some time in the uncooperative corner, and I had a blast at lunchtime chatting with a sharp group of kids. 
Awaiting Kirby's pearls of wisdom

My lunch buddies, with librarian Becky Faulkner

Little Jayme, in first grade, graciously agreed to let me measure her with a yardstick so I could give the lunch crew a visual of how tall the Japanese Friendship Dolls are (36 inches; up to Jayme's shoulder).

In a rare treat, I also got to spend about 45 minutes noshing and chatting with Newbery's staff and it was during this conversation that I met Amy Ferrell. 

She is a kindergarten teacher, mother of five --  including three siblings adopted from Ghana -- and was positively glowing. Turns out, she has a good reason to glow: in addition to having lost 60 pounds last year, she is a finalist for a Macy's Million Dollar Makeover with Clinton Kelly. I don't know if Amy would win a whole million dollars, but if she does win, she wants to use her prize money to buy a house that has room for her expanded family AND to start and after-school enrichment program for at-risk youth. She is an all-round terrific person and I encourage you to go to this site to vote for her starting today until April 3. Vote early and often!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning the Macy's Million Dollar Makeover Kirby! It was a treat to meet you. The kids LOVE your books!!!
