Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Book Title Challenge

My clever friend, Grier Jewell, (who is evidently procrastinating about starting her novel) came up with a new game with these rules: Combine the full title of a children's book with the full (or partially full) title of a book for adults.

A few of her creations:
Green Eggs and Hamlet
Fun with Dick and Jane Eyre
Lord of the Rings and Flies

I, of course, contributed one title without reading the rules correctly. So now I must wear the cone of shame. You all, of course, are much more careful and actually READ the rules so you will fare much better. Head on over to Grier's blog to post your brilliant creations.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I AM procrastinating--you're good! But why didn't you share your fabulous title here? You went above and beyond the "rules." ;-)
