Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two Cool Nerds

I don't know when Mr. Schu (librarian, John Schumacher) and Colby Sharp (4th grade teacher) ever sleep. Not only are they superheroes to their students, they are reading heroes to the rest of us. 

Founders of the Nerdy Book Club, they are attempting to read all of the Newbery award winners since the Newbery Award began. I have not accepted their Nerdbery Challenge, (my experiences with Hitty and Her First Hundred Years, by Rachel Field and The Moved-Outers, by Florence Crannell Means, held me back), but many have. You can learn more here about the challenge and see a great interview with this dynamic duo here.

1 comment:

  1. Our challenge focuses on the medal books, but please know that 2007 is my all time favorite honor year.
