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Stacy Nyikos |
My latest book, Waggers (2 December 2014, Sky Pony Press), is about a newly adopted puppy who tries REALLY hard to be good, but his tail get in the way.
The story was inspired by unexpected, definitely unintended, but sometimes unbelievably disastrous mishaps by our most recently adopted puppy, Desi, who has the heart of a Great Dane and the tail of a Great White Whale.
It was a fun write, cathartic even, but every story challenges me in some way. With Waggers, it was originality.
Story itself
isn’t exactly original. In fact, if you want a blueprint for it, take a look at
Joseph Campbell A Hero’s Journey. He takes
an Emperor’s New Clothes approach to story, revealing all its unseemly parts.
No page is unturned, no trick unmasked.
Neither is
telling story. A lot of our communication takes on story format. How was your
day? What happened at school? How is the project coming along?
Of course, the
answer can be a single sentence (with my teen daughters, a grunt), but more
often than not, we listeners ask for more, until we’ve got beginning, middle,
and end. For better or worse, we like our information in a certain form.
Here’s the
trick. A storyteller can’t just reuse an already used form without adding her
own flair. If she does, things become predictable and the reader goes off to
make a cheese sandwich, never to return. Readers want to be surprised. They
want unusual. But how do you take the everyday and make it new and
out-of-the-ordinary? That’s what I faced with Waggers. A dog with a problem isn’t novel. I was going to have to
get creative.
Pause for dramatic effect.
Not affected?
Dare I say, this is what you expect of writers, that they are creative, imaginative,
avant-garde even? Demanding readers. Okay, okay, me too. I expect the seemingly
impossible of writers, and my writing.
Yet with Waggers, I seesawed between something so
new it couldn’t even be called story, to something so trite I was falling
asleep. So I tried the demented writer approach – i.e. ditch everything, kill
my darlings – until I didn’t even have enough left to call a haiku. Which
brought me to the sobering realization that this was about balance. It was
about sifting through and discovering what elements I could use and how to
reshape, relay, reimagine and add until my story emerged with its own form and
I wish I could
say I understood all of that when I was going through it, but I am a messy
writer. I never know exactly where I am until I finish and step back to get my
bearings. If I don’t recognize my surroundings, woohoo! I’ve taken story
somewhere new.
Now if I can
just sell it…
About the Author: Stacy Nyikos is the author of many mischievous
books for kids. She's not sure how that happened. She never got into trouble as
a child. Well, if you don't count borrowing sandwiches from her dad. He wasn't
eating them anyway. She holds an MFA in Writing for Children from Vermont
College, which she didn't borrow. They gave it to her. Really. Ask her kids. Or
her dog. Just don't ask her husband. He's missing a few sandwiches.
You had me at "the heart of a Great Dane and the tail of a Great White Whale." This sounds really cute and something most dog owners can relate to. I will definitely check it out. Thanks for an entertaining and instructive post.