Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Teacher Tuesday

Today marks this year's first international guest! Elisa Waingort is teaching in Quito, Equador! Welcome, Elisa and please fill in the blank: 

You should never read and (blank) at the same time.

You should never read and drive at the same time...unless you're stuck in traffic! That's why it's always important to have a book handy. I try to never leave home without a print book or my Kindle.

If you were invited to be on Oprah, what book would you bring for her to read?

I would bring Locomotion by Jacqueline Woodson. It's one of those books that grabs you from the very first page and doesn't let you go. I've been reading it in bits and pieces to my 7th graders and they are as  drawn into the story as I am.

What is the funniest book you’ve read?

The funniest books I've read are all the ones by Mo Willems.

What is the saddest?

The saddest book I ever read I was never able to finish - Paula by Isabel Allende. It's the story of her daughter who passed away. Although I was really into reading heart wrenching books at the time, this was one I just had to put down. It was too painful to read; I never tried to read it a second time.

Favorite reading snack/beverage?

I like to read with my morning coffee but tea is my preference at other times of the day.

What’s next on your TBR list?

Brown Girl Dreaming  by Jacqueline Woodson and Drive by Daniel Pink.

Teachers, librarians, reading coaches, principals, custodians, lunch ladies, anyone with school connections: Please play along! Email me here and I'll get you the questions so you, too, can be featured on Teacher Tuesday. 

1 comment:

  1. I will have to check out Locomotion. It sounds really good. As usual, I find new books here to add to my TBR list -- all the way from Equador! How nice of Elisa to visit here.
