Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Teacher Tuesday

Welcome to the first Teacher Tuesday of 2015! Kicking off the year is Kimmie Vogt, a self described teacher, librarian and technology fixer. Thanks for playing, Kimmie! 

Please fill in the blank: You should never read and (blank) at the same time.

You should never read and drive on the interstate at the same time. Listen to books while driving. Much safer.

If you were invited to be on Oprah, what book would you bring for her to read?

Life is a Verb by Patti Digh

What is the funniest book you’ve read?

Skinny Dip by Carl Hiassen

What is the saddest?

Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Favorite reading snack/beverage?

Decaf Breakfast blend Green Mountain Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer

What’s next on your TBR list?

My list/pile is pretty deep right now. It includes: Landline by Rainbow Rowell, Marie Lu's latest, The Girls of Kabul, The Historian, Cinder and Variant.  In between cuddling, feeding, singing and oodling a newborn--I am trying to continue reading so my students and I can have relevant reading conversations when I get back to them in January.  

Teachers, librarians, reading coaches, principals, custodians, lunch ladies, anyone with school connections: Please play along! Email me here and I'll get you the questions so you, too, can be featured on Teacher Tuesday. 


  1. More books for my TBR list. I think I will have to stop doing anything else and simply read for a year or two! Thanks for another interesting post.

  2. I love your book choices. And now I've moved Our Fault up higher on my TBR list. Happy New Year.

  3. I love how Kimberly reads to her newborn when she was inside her womb and now outside her womb!
