Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Quinn

Today is the birthday of my favorite daughter in the whole wide world. Despite being the only youngest in a family full of oldest children (me, my husband and our son), she has a remarkably sunny spirit and wonderful outlook on life.

It truly seems as if it was just a few years ago that she was placed in my arms, all slick and wet, and I counted her fingers and toes and noted that she had my mother's (lovely) nose. I can honestly say that Quinn was a complete joy every day of her growing up life -- except for those days when she didn't get a nap and "Crankleberry Johnson" came to visit. But those days were oh-so-few. And though I deserved the worst teenage daughter ever, as payback for how I treated my own mom, that was not how it played out.

Quinn was thoughtful, charming, kind and always ready to help her mom with just about anything. I've relied on her decorating advice since she was in kindergarten; if you need a good eye for a design project, she's your gal!

Our sweet daughter has grown into an even kinder, more thoughtful and charming young woman. And I feel blessed everytime I hear her call me "Mom."

Happy Birthday, Quinn!

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