Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Teacher Tuesday

For some, the school year was wrapped up weeks ago. For the kids in our district, school ends June 19th. So today marks the last Teacher Tuesday until September.

As you know, the spark for this feature was (is!) my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Craig, a wonderful man who convinced 30 some-odd 11- and 12-year-olds that we were capable of great things. And who would want to disappoint Mr. Craig? Not me! I worked very hard in his class. I wish I could say he turned me into a completely dedicated student, who always gave 110%. Sadly, I am cursed with these procrastination genes that take over my body at times, like some kind of alien parasite. But Mr. Craig did expand my concept of myself as a person and contributing member of society and if you average out what I've accomplished in the years since 6th grade, I believe he would still be proud of me. (Actually, I happen to know he is because we remain in touch.)

Me at the Hattie Ever After book launch with Mr. Craig and two of my 6th grade classmates

I have been gobsmacked, to borrow a phrase from my friend Karen Cushman, by the 74 (and counting!) teachers and librarians and reading coaches and other caring professionals who signed up to be guest bloggers here at Kirby's Lane for the 2013-2014 school year. (It's not too late: visit the Nerdy Book Club blog.)

When I start the feature up again in September, it will definitely be with a new name and a new slant. And you might even find the spotlight shining on this country's (world's!) teachers on a more frequent basis. As my folks would say when we begged to go to Disneyland: we'll see. Check back come September 4th; if you care about connecting kids and books, these guest posts will be something you won't want to miss.

As for how I will spend the next several weeks, I intend to finish some revisions, finish writing a book that came out of nowhere and spend a lot of time with the most adorable grandchild I know.
Princess Esme

See you in the fall!


  1. Maybe she and Connor, a knight in training, will meet someday:)! kv
