Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ten in 2010

It was so much fun to see what folks came up with for the 10 word story challenge last week, that I'm doing it again.

But let's make it even more of a challenge. Let's see if we can use the word "flamingo" in the stories.

Here's mine:

Friday Nights

Mom at the mirror, lipstick in hand.
Pink Flamingo!


  1. Pink Pretender

    A plastic flamingo, standing alone,
    tempered the wealthy garden’s attitude.

  2. Loved working with you and getting your feedback when I was part of the Seattle SCBWI- here's my contribution

    Birds of a Feather

    Pink flamingos don’t belong in my yard
    unless they’re real.
    Angela Baumgartner

  3. These are fabulous! Thanks for sharing! I want a real flamingo in my yard, too! Actually, I'd settle for a fake one.

  4. One Writer's Focus

    Late night writing.
    Bleary morning.
    Now I'm seeing pink flamingoes!

    Love these 10-word challenges, Kirby!

  5. Keep watching, Elaine -- I'm going to do another one relatively soon!
